Please meet Larry Lillendecker III. We call him Trip for short. Trip has 2 years experience in the communications field having served as the public information officer for the Fans of Nine Inch Nails website.
Trip was responsible for the internet image campaign for several rock groups. He increased their web traffic over 20% in the time he worked for them.
Trip is known for his aggressive tactics which, in past campaigns, has left his targets in tears.
When asked how he felt about joining the HFS campaign he said by email, "dudes, this is so cool. This will be an easy campaign. What you have is an aggressive, forward thinking and brilliant forever leader of a town of nearly 60 thousand people vs. a school marm of an unidentifiable mass of nothingness who has been sucking away government dollars for years. It's a no-brainer."
Wow! We can hardly wait. Lillendecker actually interned with Dick Morris. Trip should be here in North Little Rock within a week or two he said. Look for him to be hanging around in the Argenta area gathering up a volunteer crew of Hays Supporters.
We will be introducing more of our staffers to you soon. Thanks for visiting!!! REMEMBER, HAYS FOR SENATE. LET'S SHARE HIS BRILLIANCE WITH THE WORLD!!!
Can you give us this Trip's vitae?