THIS IS VERY EXCITING. My neighbor's brother's cousin's wife's mother's friend works at the city. I am very jealous because she is so close to the heartbeat of our great community. Day in and day out she gets to be so close to THE MAYOR that it must be almost overwhelming to her.
She has become one of THE MAYOR'S biggest cheerleaders and keeps us filled in on all of the action and exciting things happening because of THE MAYOR'S blindingly brilliant gung-ho leadership style.
While a

lot of people in our city and in Little Rock have been bashing THE MAYOR because the Salty Parrot suffered a seeming unfortunate breech of its hull, THE MAYOR has been quietly pursuing a lead that was brought to him by his special police officer who is THE MAYOR'S personal bodyguard.

This lead proved most fortuitous because it means that the federal government will probably have to pay for all salvage costs for the Parrot.
Our city hall correspondent says it seems there was some sort of a threat that was picked up by a confidential informant at Creegen's the other night. There had been several unsavory characters overheard talking of a plan to sink the barge to create a diversion. The diversion was needed to reduce the police and street department and submarine security guard presence near the freeway bridge.
While everyone would be worrying about the sinking of a favorite watering hole for city employees, this small cell of domestic terrorists were apparently burying a cache of weapons and other survival gear to be used in a later assault on city hall and the street department headquarters. This burial was to be occurring somewhere between the bicycle rental place and the porta potties in the RV park.

The exact location is a double top secret though. We understand national and Argenta security very well at the
Hays for Senate HQ.
Thanks to THE MAYOR's vigilance and patriotic belief system instilled in him from his days in JROTC, he quickly dispatched a squad of officers under Chief Danny Bradley's personal command. This special elite squad known among law enforcement circles as
Danny's Rolling Thunderous Wildcats blanketed that area along the river like bumps on a pickle and quietly took the three suspects into custody. Even though THE MAYOR was out of town on a junket to the twelve NLR sister city sites around the world, he was in constant contact with Joe Smith by text message because apparently his cell phone doesn't work in one of our sister cities, Haskovo, Bulgaria where THE MAYOR was looking into the possibility of an old Bulgarian war boat for the NLR Maritime Center.
Since it was a terrorist act, the three 18 year old suspects of questionable heritage were immediately taken to the NLR airport where an awaiting Cessna aircraft pilo

ted by one of THE MAYOR'S special team of pilots --who pose as his rich developers and friends -- whisked the suspects to Cuba.
Our friend also said that she knows for a fact that THE MAYOR and none other than Hillary Clinton herself had recently met to discuss THE MAYOR'S good deeds in the name of national security and to give him a briefing on State Department matters concerning Argenta and the Riverfront Park area. This secret meeting was nearly discovered when local political activist Jim Ard happened by to check the locks of city hall's doors. Ard volunteers as a security guard for the city in his spare time.
This is why we must convince THE MAYOR that he must run for Senate. Even the people from Warshington consult with him almost daily!!! He is so smart. I heard he is really considering it and that he loves the fact that we have started this blog to counteract all the negative stuff they say on other blogs. Those bloggers and blowhards just don't know our BFF THE MAYOR like we do.
(You must visit here often because our city hall friend is bringing us some memos she has collected over the years that THE MAYOR has been sending out. She assures me that they will clearly show just how brilliant THE MAYOR is and will prove once and for all what a great visionary person he is. I plan on posting them, or at least the portions that are top-secret. These will be very very exciting and inspiring!!!!!!! )SATIRE